Before I Buy Overview

It is the intent of this Blog to gather inputs from as many people as possible on products and services they use including but not limited to grocery, clothing, electronics, computers, software products, vehicles including boats, doctors, hospitals, restaurants, plumbers, insurance companies, car repair facilities, tax preparation services, travel related companies etc. Everything and anything we buy, or use. Important information would include when you purchased the product or used the service, how much did it cost, what you like about the product or service and what you didn't like. Would you recommend it. The intent is to grow this into a Craig's list type of site that is location specific. Your inputs will be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Camera- Canon SD940 - $139 at Costco

In September of 2010 I purchased a Canon SD940 for $159 at Costco.  As of Jan 15 2011, it is currently selling for $139.  I found this to be an excellent camera, particularly if you are interested in very small size, rugged construction, excellent quality photos as well as 720P high definition video. It features a 4 x zoom,  12MP pictures, advanced automatic features such as image stabilization, face recognition and blink detection. Only disadvantage is that it does not come with a case.
Highly recommended

1 comment:

  1. Costco is also now offering the Canon SD1300 for the same $139 price. It is the same physical size and shares most of the SD940 attributes, however it is not as ruggedly constructed, does not support HD video, but does come with a case.
